Have you seen the
During our 50th Jubilee, the decision was made to develop a prayer garden between the rectory and St. Joan of Arc Church (in the area around the gazebo). Our hope is that the prayer garden will provide a place of beauty and solace for everyone to visit and pray, a place where we can feel closer to the Lord.
We are offering memorial pavers to be purchased and placed on the walkway throughout the garden. Please click the link below to complete the form on line or you may download and print the form to purchase the pavers. Forms are also available in the foyers. Purchasing the pavers will help with the cost of the garden.
- A 6” X 9” paver with CAPITAL LETTERING, 3 lines of 16 characters per line including spacing and punctuation, is $120.
- A cross can be added to the paver for an additional $5.
Pavers can be purchased in remembrance of those who have died, for the living, or for some other special event in life. Please contact Ken and Betty Mills at 856-596-0407 should you need any additional information.
Payments May Be Sent To:
St. Joan of Arc Church
100 Willow Bend Rd
Marlton, NJ 08053
Attn: Prayer Garden