Arise & Shine

There is No Charge but it is an Experience Worth Paying For!

Mission Statement

Arise & Shine is a morning preschool playgroup aimed at inspiring fellowship, personal growth, and knowledge based on our faith. We are dedicated to nourishing parents and children with the virtues needed to enrich our family life to include Christ.

Purpose of Arise & Shine

As you know it takes a community to raise a child. We are interested in encouraging this cause.   This weekly event will continue to grow, as there is a demand for daytime parents to gather together for support and encouragement. Arise and Shine’s purpose is to bring families together by building a foundation of religious relationships for the entire family. We believe God is the center of our lives. SJA would like to be apart of your faith family. We believe in providing our children with friends whom they will see weekly as well as making their sacraments with throughout there lifetime.

When and Where?

We are excited to announce that we have a non-profit parenting group!
Arise & Shine is open to the public.
We meet throughout the school year every Friday @11am.

  • 1st & 3rd Fridays are at St. Isaac Jogues in room 2B
  • The remaining Fridays are at a park or play place of the group’s choice & occasionally planned field trips.

Who can Participate

If you are a homemaker by day and have children at home or in elementary school, this is the place for you. Kids are welcome!
Come once or every time. No commitment or registration necessary.


Arise & Shine provides prayer,  crafts for the kids, Bible readings, lectures and faith sharing of our parenting experiences. Arise & Shine is an uplifting way to connect with others through our experiences while building a community of priceless relationships.
We even have a private Facebook group to keep you in the loop.

There is no charge but it is an experience worth paying for!

**We are always looking for daytime parents to be ministry volunteers**
We are interested in your assistance in helping this generation.