Mary Statue Home Visit


Mary Statue Home Visit  (Exciting New Ministry!)

Starting in May 2024, parishioners will have the wonderful opportunity to sign up to host the traveling statue of Mary (Our Lady of Fatima) in your home. The sign-up sheet will be located in the Church’s Gathering/Cry Room. Those who are interested simply sign up for a one-week time slot (Sunday to Sunday). While the statue visits your home, you are encouraged to pray and say the rosary daily with her. By hosting the Blessed Mother statue in your home, you may receive abundant graces from her visit. Our Lady, through the rosary, always brings us closer to her son, Jesus Christ.


What is involved with a Mary Statue home visit?

  1. You create a special place in your home for the statue.
  2. Place a decorative table cover, candles or vigil light, flowers and other desired objects to create a special area for the Blessed Mother.
  3. Bring the Blessed Mother (as symbolized by the Our Lady of Fatima statue) into your home with love and reverence.
  4. The statue is placed at her shrine that you’ve created for the week.
  5. Family and friends gather around their heavenly Mother and pray.


What is included?

  1. The statue is housed in a rolling travel case that is padded for her protection
  2. A guidebook with suggested prayers to follow during her visit
  3. A rosary (to use in case you don’t have your own)



Sign-up on the sign-up sheet. When it is your week, you simply pick up the Mary Statue in its rolling travel case at 11 am (on Sunday) from the Church Gathering/Cry Room. You will host the statue at your house until the following Sunday. It needs to be returned to the Gathering/Cry Room no later than 10:30 am the following Sunday so that the next parishioner can pick it up for their turn. 


