The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
To help those seeking a closer relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ by becoming a member of our Catholic Community;
- gain an understanding and living of the teachings of the Catholic Church, and
- welcome that seeker into our living community of faith as represented by St. Joan of Arc Parish.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process by which we offer adults who were never baptized, baptized in another Christian tradition, or who were baptized in the Catholic faith but were never fully initiated with the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist (Communion), the opportunity to explore, learn and commit to fully becoming a member of our Catholic Community.
A team comprised of our pastor, priests, deacons and members of St. Joan’s community lead those seeking initiation (referred to as candidates or catechumens) through a learning process about the many rich and beautiful ways in which we enrich their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through our Catholic faith. Weekly sessions educate on the Sacraments, our Church history, prayer, practices and rites of the faith. Team members offer insights into their personal faith journey, their relationship with our Lord, and how the Lord works in their lives.
An age appropriate OCIA program is also available for children and teens with study, learning and activities scheduled to fit with their school life and commitments.