Parish Activities for Families

Family Activities 2024-2025

Calendar of activities to be published in the fall for 2024-2025 – More to be added as we learn of additional events

The due date for logs is May 31, 2025. We strongly suggest taking a picture of the log following each stamp, in case it is lost. Extra logs and Mass reflection sheets will be available in the Church in the gathering room (located on the left when you walk in to the front vestibule). You can also download and print them here:  Family Activity Log, Special Mass Reflection Sheet.

Please do not submit the log or Mass reflections via email; everything must be handed in in hard copy format. Logs and any Mass reflections can be handed in to the office either in person, in our drop-off/pick-up bin (located right outside the front doors of the school facing the parking lot), or via mail to: St. Joan of Arc Religious Education Office, 101 Evans Road, Marlton, NJ 08053.

Lent Family Lessons are now available here! These lessons include activities you can do at home to fulfill the At-Home Liturgical Season Lessons requirement on your activity log — perfect if you haven’t already completed the Advent Family Lessons. (Please note that the other four activities on the log are in-person.)

The Lent Family Lesson reflection, found at the link, is due by April 30th. We hope these activities help your family grow in faith during this holy season!

  • Prayer & Pretzels Series: Praying the Rosary! – Saturday, April 12th, 10:30 am – 11:30 am, and Monday, May 12th, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Please click here for details and our sign up! Please be sure to sign up by 4/10 for the 4/12 session and 5/10 for the 5/12 session so we can make sure we have enough pretzels- parents, children, grandparents etc. are welcome!
  • 2nd Grade/First Communicants only – First Reconciliation Retreat on February 8th, and First Communion retreat on March 22nd.
  • Special Masses/Services – Ash Wednesday Masses, March 5th – 7 am, 9 am, 7 pm. Ash Wednesday Services (liturgy without Communion, ends with distribution of Ashes) – 10:30 am, 12:05 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm. – *Instead of a stamp, children should fill out a reflection and include it with the log when handing it in. Please do not request a stamp for special Masses/services.
  • WINGS Passion Play – April 4th at 7 pm in the church or April 8th at 7 pm in the church. *Please see the bulletin closer to the date for additional details.
  • Family Stations of the Cross (No stamp) – Monday and Tuesday, April 14th & 15th, 7:00 pm in the Church. *Instead of a stamp, children should complete a reflection and include it with their log when handing it in. Please do not ask for a stamp for this.
  • Friday Stations of the Cross (No stamp) – Fridays during Lent at 12:05 and 7:00 pm. *Instead of a stamp, children should complete a reflection and include it with their log when handing it in. Please do not ask for a stamp for this.
  • Special Masses/Services (No stamp) – Holy Thursday Mass, April 17th at 7 pm – *Instead of a stamp, children should fill out a reflection and include it with the log when handing it in. Please do not request a stamp for special Masses/services.
  • Special Masses/Services (No stamp) – Good Friday Service, April 18th at 3 pm – *Instead of a stamp, children should fill out a reflection and include it with the log when handing it in. Please do not request a stamp for special Masses/services.
  • Morning Prayer Service for the Easter Season – Saturday, May 17th, 10:00 am in the Church. *No sign-up needed.
  • Kids Lit (1 stamp)**Please see important note at the end of this page** – Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held at 9am Mass 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, and 10:30am Mass weekly (except 5th Sunday and holidays) during the school year. For Kids Lit, you attend Mass with your child (each child must have an adult there) and children are called to the altar prior to the readings by Msgr. Rich or Fr. JM. Kids Lit leaders bring the children to Pedata Hall from then until right before Communion so they can help to break open the readings.  Children are brought back to the church to rejoin their parents before Communion.  *Please see Melissa Eisenstock for your stamp. Please click here for additional information about Kids Lit.
  • Popcorn, Franks and a Movie Night (1 stamp)**Please see important note at the end of this page** – You can find specific information about what movie is being shown each month here on our website. Please be sure to check the bulletin prior to attending. The movie nights for this year are on the following Thursdays at 7:30 – November 14th, December 19th, January 23rd, February 27th, March 27th, April 10th, and May 29th in Pedata Hall. Stamps will be done by Deacon Gene or Mrs. Kotowski.
  • BLAZE (Girls in 6th-8th Grade) (1 stamp)**Please see important note at the end of this page** – BLAZE is a faith group for middle school girls in grades 6th through 8th, and meets on Fridays in Pedata Hall at 3 pm. Registration in advance is necessary; please click here for additional information and for the registration form.



For events that happen weekly/regularly, i.e., Kids Lit, Family Movie Night, BLAZE for middle school girls, children can receive one stamp for the log – please note that children and families are welcomed and encouraged to attend these regular events as often as they like!

For special Masses, we will not have stamps. In place of a stamp, we have a Mass reflection form that can be filled out. Reflection forms should be included in the log when it is handed in.